健康諮詢 Health Consultation
Service Description
Worried about your health? Having trouble sleeping? Maybe you are seeking to lose a few kilograms, consult our health practitioners for health related advise and guidance. Treatment Location: Hong Kong Shop E2, G/F, Yik Hom Building, 72-78 Java Road, 16-16B Tong Shui Road, North Point, Hong Kong Malaysia 10, Jalan Gajah, Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Penang, Malaysia Taiwan No. 75, Binhai 1st Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 804 健康諮詢 哪些最愛食物? 反讓你情緒低落! 如果你吃到讓你的身體感到~ (一) 昏沉嗜睡 (二) 腸胃脹氣 (三) 胃酸過多 或容易鼻塞、過敏它們可能是造成你情緒低落的慢性病殺手。擔心你的健康?睡不著覺?或許你正在想著要怎樣減掉幾公斤,諮詢我們的健康醫療團隊,以獲得健康相關建議與指導。 治疗地点: 香港 Shop E2, G/F, Yik Hom Building, 72-78 Java Road, 16-16B Tong Shui Road, North Point, Hong Kong 馬來西亞 10, Jalan Gajah, Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Penang, Malaysia 台湾 804高雄市鼓山區濱海一路75號
Contact Details